Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Homosexuality Is Immoral Or Immoral - 917 Words

Homosexuality has, in recent times, asserted the position of being a topic of much heated debate. Simple opinion has divided the line between many and summed up the factions of those that stand for traditional values and those who take a progressive stance with civil rights. While the nation has become a buzz of opinions and perspectives, many arguments that have been made have been left off of a leash unchecked. Ultimately, there is nothing inherently wrong with homosexuality, and despite even the best arguments made against the principle, little carry any weight. Many people look at homosexuals and see people that they are uncomfortable with and jump to irrational conclusions, claiming that the concept is unnatural or immoral. A simple argument can be made that homosexuals cannot reproduce, and therefore should be expelled from any kind of societal recognition. However, what concisely makes the inability to reproduce a negative factor in homosexuality? The inability to procreate ma y stem the privilege to produce a child between a couple; however, it creates the possibility of adoption. Thus, it would serve to both take a child out of a foster home, making one such place less crowded and taking less a toll on the inhabitants that reside there, as well as providing a loving home for a child whom may need one. Inherently, a large number of people who do not reproduce may stall, if not solve, the growing issue of world over-population, as less resources would be used toShow MoreRelatedIs Homosexuality Morally Or Immoral?906 Words   |  4 PagesHomosexuality has in recent times being the topic of much heated debate. Simple opinion has divided the line between many and conclude those that stand for traditional values and those who take a progressive stance in civil rights. While the nation has become a buzz of opinions and perspectives, many arguments that have been made have been exaggerated and slandered to the extent that they are no more than myths that have been left off of a leash unchecked. Ultimately, there is nothing inherentlyRead MoreIs Homosexuality Morally Or Immoral?915 Words   |  4 PagesHomosexuality has in recent times asserted the position of being a topic of much heated debate. Simple opinion has divided the line between many and conclude those that stand for traditional values and those who take a progressive stance in civil rights. While the nation has become a buzz of opinions and perspectives, many arguments that have been made have been exaggerated and slandered to the extent that they are no more than myths that have been left off of a leash unchecked. Ultimately, thereRead More Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues - Homosexuality is Abnormal and Immoral1489 Words   |  6 PagesHomosexuality is Abnormal and Immoral      Ã‚   Of all topics most popular in todays media, issues concerning homosexuals and homosexuality in general top the list. Homosexuality is generally defined as a sexual relationship between partners of the same sex. Debate concerning its causes and consequences has been going on for many centuries and almost in every period in human history. However, never before in human history has it been granted such wide scale acceptance in western society as it hasRead MoreThe Doctrine Of The Existence Of God1470 Words   |  6 Pagesmany years homosexuality has been a debate over acceptance but has been for the most part considered an immoral act based on religious beliefs and the obligation to obey God’s commandments. 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Although the argument is valid, I will argue against the conclusion that homosexual behavior is not against God’sRead MoreKant and Sexual Morality1394 Words   |  6 Pagesdeception or coercion have influenced the voluntary informed consent of the subject. If there is no voluntary informed consent, then a person is being used merely as a means to another persons end. This support Kant’s claim on morality, and is therefore immoral. Coercion into consent is easily to identify. As with the example of a person being forced to hand over $200 with the threat of a gun, they were being forced/coerced into their decision to hand over the money. When there is no voluntary informed

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